If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

This quote is really getting redundant, especially since we're talking about consoles.

4586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I come to N4G hoping to see an unbiased talk about a product but I honestly find that hard. It seems anything bad said about Sony gets downvotes, while everything good gets upvote and a possible bubble. Not saying Sony doesn't have good products and some that I have enjoyed but honestly somethings are not up to par yet. I'm just saying don't put yourself in a one sided bubble because it's not healthy as a consumer. I wonder how so many Sony fans found their way to N4G is the q...

4594d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

I like COD, I just dont play it nonstop like some others. That purely their choice though, and if they're truly enjoying it why not? I like to play my battlefield too though. I can still buy and play other games while liming COD I dont know what the fuss is about on either side.

4607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The real question is do you get to bang her as Commander Shepard. Although she does look kind of ditzy as a 3d model, I'd still give it a go, because I'm generous.

4619d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd probably not forgive them if they decided to never make another Souls game though!

4619d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To tell you the truth I've began feeling biased towards Jaffe ever since I watched his interview with Gary at Pax, as seen here http://m.youtube.com/index?... . I simply dont like the guy because he was way too hard on the guy for being new at doing interviews. You guys go ahead snd worship the guy but it comes off very wrong to me.

4621d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I understand both spectrums of the becoming populsr online pass. But he tends to get overly paranoid with what other people say. Instead of going so much on the offense on the matters he should cool off a little. He could have easily defended himself without making himself look like an self righteous Dick. Being in the spotlight comes with criticism, and this is something he should know. But that is just my opinion I guess, nothing more.

4621d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

While he was moaning because he was accused of being a sale out, I didn't get to hear the reason why he does support online passes. While there may be a valid reason to, he didnt educate those who oppose it on the matter. I can understand his frustration but its unprofessional of him to only go on the attack on how someone else is doing their job. I only say this because he's known to do this a lot. His games however are more impressing than his attitude. Also I know he doesnt support...

4621d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Funny seeing people leave negative comments because they never get to party this hard. It's a shame you envious losers haha.

4686d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Woah woah woah..... Why even import a game that doesn't have subtitles for your language? I mean I personally couldn't play a game if I couldn't tell what's going on. So in the end for most even if you got an imported copy of a game its still in the developers hands to even implement your language.

4783d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

seems like there's less destruction in BF3. I only say that though because I have yet to see any full building destruction. It looks like only one portion of buildings can be really damaged. Even when he shot that statue with a rocket it stayed in one piece.... Hmmm.

4800d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's one fact that pisses me off.. I got some friends to buy BFBC2 and play it with me finally. After we started playing it for awhile they were complaining that their K/D sucks @$$ on this game. I told them it's not like COD you need to work on getting more points and try to get more objectives. They asked me how I got any enjoyment from the game when you die so much. I told them you just can't go 20/5 all the time, it's not a big focus anyway. It about actually beating the...

4805d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

She was playing Xbox the day she had an heart attack.... Does that really make this gaming news?

4806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Oblivion presented me a massive game world, filled with dungeons, but gave no real incentive to explore any of it."

Really? I didn't need an incentive personally. I just thought it was cool because you never know what you'll find. I don't need a reward from every cave or dungeon I explore. It was just cool to have the mysterious feeling that there might be something rare there. I've ran into goblin man, a giant crab, a giant fish, vampire hide outs,...

4807d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

We're no where near having a real virtual reality. That's my opinion because I don't consider just having goggles on your head as virtual reality. The closest thing we will ever have in our lifetime will be dreaming.

4817d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

1 Battlefield map > 2 CoD maps.... The games are long and when you play them you're basically playing 2 different maps as the game progresses.

4827d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Level design isn't much better, with few of the locations inspiring the sort of exploration and excitement that made Duke 3D such a memorable experience. Duke Nukem Forever is linear to a fault, and huge chunks of the game are spent simply walking from one fight to another through uninspired corridors."-Eurogamer

I couldn't have said it any better. That right there is what pretty much ruined the game for me also.

4853d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope, but I hope this will help them get back on their feet to make a better Duke Nukem. I still get a laugh when playing the game but the gameplay isn't there to go along with it. Also doesn't feel like some of the old Duke Nukem games like 3D. It just feels like your put on a strict path through out the game.

I don't know a game that's worth a 14 year wait though. As much as technology changes you can't have a game in development for that long. Because I w...

4853d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I dislike the most about COD is the obsessiveness with the K/D ratio people have in the game. It's like objective games cannot be taken seriously because you have teammates too scared to capture a point because they may get killed a lot while they are distracted and vulnerable while taking over a capture spot. So many people boast about their ratio as well. It's as if the main attraction to the game is death matches. While BF promotes more team work and different ways to play the...

4853d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What happened to the horror part of resident evil? I mean don't get me wrong action is fun sometimes too. But seriously I miss the real resident evil I grew up on. This may be a decent game but it's atmosphere has left the building. This is all judging by the screen shots and recent RE. Developers need to get off the "Yea lets kills zombies!" slug fest and get back to the eerie keeps the lights on game. There's so many games like that out there. Gear of war 2 was scarier...

4928d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment